Borned in April 27th 1979 in the city of Aegaleo in Attica, and raised in the suburb of Neoktista in the municipality of Aspropyrgos, West Attica. Today, I stay and work in Paros Island, Cyclades.

After graduating Lyceum in the city of Aegaleo back in 1997, I finished my studies in Journalism in I.I.E.K. ΑΚΜΙ Institute, based in Athens, in 1999. 

I started my military service in Hellenic Navy in 1999 right after the great earthquake that happened in Athens. In 2001 I returned back home as a citizen owning the grade of the Third class sailor shipper.

My professional activities started in 2002. Till these days I've worked in the following sectors :
  • Printed and Electronic Journalism
See the media I've cooperated with by clicking HERE 
  • Business Communication and P.R.
See all the companies I have worked for with your CLICK HERE 
  • Customer care and sales services
See all the companies I have worked for with your CLICK HERE 
  • Private Security services
See all the companies I have worked for with your CLICK HERE 

From January 1st 2019 till the end of April 2020, this period was the first time I was abroad for professional reasons. And to be more specific I was in Suva, Fiji Islands!

I'm a degree holder in English language.

I have a first level certificate of studies in Greek Handsigned Language in the school of Greek Deaf People Association.

I'm a certified Social Media Professional specialized in Journalism by Staregister International organization.

I have an interest in issues about local government.

I own my personal opinion webblog and YouTube channel. 

I love music, animals and nature.

A full C.V., qualifications, certificates and diplomas can be provided if its is necessary.

Sincerely yours,
Georgios-Efthymios Tsimatsidis


Yorgos Tsimatsidis is a certified diploma holder in journalism and communication. 

He was professionaly active in many sectors from his young ages. 

In his spare time he is an active radio and podcast producer. 

He remains an active citizen. He's a friend of technology and social media. 

Α Rhesus + and Α.Ε.Κ. F.C. Athens for life ! 

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